
Informational Sources: 


Conover, T. (2019, August). The Last Frontier: Homesteaders on the Margins of America. 

               Harper’s MagazineAugust 2019 issue, 24-40.  


Cronon, William. “The Trouble with Wilderness: Or, Getting Back to the Wrong Nature.” 

                Environmental History, vol. 1, no.1, 1996, pp. 7-28. 


Foucault, Michel. The Archaeology of Knowledge and the Discourse. Éditions Gallimard, 1969. 



McConnell Simmons, Virginia. The San Luis Valley: Land of the Six-armed Cross, Second 

               Edition. University Press of Colorado. 1999.


Peña, Devon. “La Sierra Foundation de San Luis: Reviving the Chicano Land Grant Struggle. 

                Race, Poverty & the Environment, vol. 4, no. 3, 1993, pp. 8-10. 


Prown, Jules David, Nancy K. Anderson, William Cronon, Brian W. Dippie, Martha A. Sandweiss, 

               Susan Prendergast Schoelwer, and Howard R. Lamar. Discovered Lands, Invented Pasts: 

               Transforming Visions of the American West. Yale University Press, 1994.  


Said, Edward W. Orientalism. Pantheon Books, 1978. 



San Luis Valley Development Resources Group. San Luis Valley Statistical Profile. 2015. 

               Alamosa, CO: San Luis Valley Development Resources Group.


Sullivan, Graeme. Art Practice as Research: Inquiry in the Visual Arts. SAGE Publishing, 2005. 



Visual artifacts:


"Protest at Taylor Ranch" by Juan Espinosa, 1981


"Chama River, Ghost Ranch" by Georgia O'Keefe, 1937


"Rocky Mountain National Park Colorado" by Ansel Adams, 1941


"Great Sand Dunes National Park & Preserve 15th Anniversary Artis Proof" by Robert B. Decker